Monday 18 October 2010

Project Update 18/10/10

Things done to date:
  • Come up with group name (Team)
  • Rearrange group (Team)
  • Set up Group Gmail Address (Myself)
  • Finalised game concept and concept story (Team)
  • Wrote bare bones of a story (Writers)
  • Team Members Chosen Level (Team)
  • Basic Level Design Documents (Team)
Things to do:
  • Liaise with team and team leads
Summary so far
Quite a few things have come to past since my last post based on the project. One example is that we now have a proper group name, Pixelated. We've decided as a group to go with the motto "We See Things Clearer". I've been trying to make sure that everyone feels good in the group and that no feels left out. As a producer I realise that I've got to not only make sure that the video game gets completed but that also no gets left behind. A much more harder task then it sounds. One the ways that I've done to improve the team dynamic is to let everyone have a say on the main aspects of the group and game. In the long run me and Vlad have final say on anything and we will exercise this if time is tight. But while there is some time available I don't see why the team shouldn't have a say in what happens to the team.
We've also acquired some new members to the group. Due to this a change needed to be done to all the roles. The new revise roles are now as follows:

Producer- Vladimir "Vlad" Sivc
Assistant Producer - Jakub "Koobs" Klitenik

Lead Artist- David Ly
Artist- Arkin Buhara
Artist- Craig Fitzgerald
Artist - Ed Wulf-Vanderpuije

Lead Animator- Arron Pommeroy
Animator- Liam Crossan-Maguire

Lead Sound- Gurpal "Grups" Bhogal
Sound- Helen Dunne
Sound- Samantha Stead

Writer- Reese Newton
Writer- Tim Moore

Designer- Ade Thompson
Designer- Anton Korubov

Programmer- Alexander Jones
Programmer- Carlos El-Kaadi

Due to there being so many of us I decided that we needed an easy way to keep in touch with each other. At first I made a Facebook group but this didn't fufill the needs that the everyone could contact each other. Some members in the group don't have Facebook. So it was back to the drawing board. Then I came up with the idea of making a group email address. I decided to go with Gmail. I already have my own personal one so I know how to the basics and also that means I can transfer my contacts that I have for the group into the new group email. Also by having a Gmail account the team can also have access to Google Documents. GDocs (as I will now refer to it) allows the uploading of different documents and is a great way for everyone to share files as well.

Currently Listening to Calvin Harris, I'm Not Alone

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