Sunday, 31 October 2010


After this weeks presentation many things needed to be taking into consideration.The storyboard and level design documents need to have more consistency throughout the group.
So to try and get the team working towards a more consistent final product I've set up a simple template that I've requested them all to use when making any new storyboards.
A quick example is below:

Super simple but super effective (yes the pun was kind of intended).

Also another thing that I had to do this week was contact certain individuals in regards to their levels. There was a lack of consistency throughout the video game and because of this some ideas had to be dropped.
Now instead of taking the smart rout and sending a group email regarding the story board and then contacting individuals about their level, for what ever reason I decided to email everyone one by one about the storyboard and the level as well.
This has caused a terrible blacklash to myself as now it's taking much more longer to send this emails. Meaning less time to work on my own level and story board and also my other projects.
Mental note to myself. If there is something that is universal to the whole group send out a group email and then only contact the people that need to do the minor changes.

Currently listening to Feeder, Buck Rogers

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