Saturday 16 October 2010

Keyboard Shortcuts Actionscript 3.0 , Flash

We all know that time is important so anything that is available to save time should be used and abused (unless it's a living thing, then you need to make sure that you treat it nicely).
Something that will save your self a lot of time in flash are Keyboard Short-cuts. Instead of going to the tool window to change the tool that you are using a single press of a key can do it for you.
Some of the most useful ones.
  • V: The Selection Tool
  • R: Rectangle Tool
  • O: Oval Tool
  • K: Paint Bucket Tool
  • J: Object Drawing
  • Ctrl + Enter: Render the scene
Over time I will extend this list. Also I when it will be possible I'll also attach a screen shot so it is easier to see what I am talking about.

Currently Listening to The Automatic, Steve McQueen

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